Mark 16:15 ...Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
For Churches
This page is for churches that wish to equip their congregants to talk to the lost about Christ.
       Equiping the saint for ministry work can be done by many avenues.  First, the equiping must start at the top with the pastor actually taking it seriously by DOING IT.  Pastors should not just preach what christians should do but actually live it otherwise they are being hypocrites and the congregation will see that and not evangelize. Sheep follow and if the shepard does not lead then they will not follow.  This is not to say the pastors should witness a ton as to neglect all their other duties as pastors of faithfully presenting the word each week but should set aside some time to witness.
       We all hope to have a good pastor who would be willing to witness, but what if one doesn't or can't due to reasons.  Well, there is still hope.  The first step would be to whomever is reading this to pray for their church heavily then do the evangelism.  Second, find others in your church that are interested by asking.  This will help you find fellow laborers in evangelism as well as get the word out that someone is interested in doing it.  Thirdly,  find out if you can create a training seminar or some day where you guys can watch Way of The Master videos and go out witnessing afterwords.  Its Important to have witnessing afterwords so that these people will actually do it and see how it is done by you!  Try and do this all in one day because it will help solidify the teaching.  Try showing  Hell's Best Kept Secret, True and False Conversions, WDJD, and maybe something you like.   
       Set up a time once a week or every other where you and others go out faithfully.  Go rain or shine to malls, parks, beaches, etc..  Announce this to the congregation.
Lastly, you can do no more than to pray and be faithful.  Pray that God raise people up and be patient because you might not get immediate results and if you do and they fall away do not become discouraged because you are only responsible for yourself. If you want you can contact us by going to Where We Witness page and emailing Jonathan or Malcolm and finding out if they can come and speak at your church sometime or train others.

Websites to check out for church training. <-- find a local leader who can train your church.  <-- Also, if you can't find a local leader, others are willing to train